Battery storage

Why invest
in batteries?

In recent years, there has been a number of developments to solar battery storage. This has made solar power a much more viable and reliable source of electricity, and has smoothed out many of the challenges that early users faced.

Battery storage isn’t just helpful when there is no sunlight to produce power. It is also great for collecting up that extra electricity that solar panels on an average household will produce. Most households will not use all of the electricity produced by the solar panels in one day. This means that the excess power can charge the battery, as well as be sold back to the national grid. Fully charged, the battery can then supply energy to your home using the excess supply.

Don't just take our
word for it!

Dyfed Roberts, from Sychdyn has been a customer for may years. Recently we interviewed him, to talk about the EKO-Build products that he uses and the savings he has made along the way. Don’t just take our word for it, watch the video below